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Сурай, Питер

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Шаблон:Карточка/оригинал имени

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Питер Сурай (Петр Фёдорович Сурай) - советский, украинский и британский учёный в области кормления сельскохозяйственной птицы, иностранный член РАСХН (2010) и РАН (2014).

Родился в Сумах 18 февраля 1956 года.


(1973—1978) Харьковский университет[1], Биохимик.

1983: Кандидат биологических наук, диссертация:

  • Биохимические и функциональные изменения в тканях и сперме индюков в зависимости от уровней витаминов Е и А в корме : диссертация ... кандидата биологических наук : 03.00.04. - Харьков, 1982. - 192 с. : ил.

1991: Доктор биологичеких наук, диссертация:

  • Биологические основы и экспресс-методы контроля витаминного питания сельскохозяйственных птиц : диссертация ... доктора биологических наук : 03.00.13 / Ин-т животноводства лесостепи и полесья УССР. - Борки, 1991. - 390 с. : ил.


Украинский НИИ Птицеводства:

  • 1977-1979 лаборант, с 1979 старший лаборант лаборатории зоохиманализа,
  • 1979-1983 химик-аналитик, с 1980 старший химик-аналитик лаборатории зоохиманализа,
  • 1983-1984 младший научный сотрудник лаборатории зоохимианализа,
  • 1984-86 старший научный сотрудник отдела кормления,
  • 1986-88 заведующий лабораторией биологи размножения,
  • 1988-92 ведущий научный сотрудник отдела репродукции,
  • 1992-93 заведующий лабораторией биологически-активных веществ,
  • 1993-97 заведующий отделом физиологии, биохимии и питания птиц.

Шотландский сельскохозяйственный колледж:

  • 1994-95 исследователь-визитер отдела биохимии,
  • 1996—99 учёный-исследователь отдела биохимии и питания,
  • 1999-2001 старший ученый-исследователь Исследовательского центра по птицеводству,
  • 2001-2004 профессор Исследовательского Центра птицеводства.

Май 2004 — Май 2009 Заведующий отделом антиоксидантов, профессор, Alltech (UK) Ltd, Alltech House Ryhall Road, Stamford Lincs PE9 1TZ, UK

C мая 2009- Профессор биохимии питания, технический директор, Feed-Food.Ltd 53 Dongola Road, Ayr, KA7 3BN, Scotland, UK,,[2][3][4][5][6][7]

Участие в научных обществах

С1988: Член Всемирной Ассоциации по птицеводству (ВНАП); 1992—1996: Вице-президент Украинского отделения ВНАП; 1999—2009: Член общества по изучению свободных адикалов; 1999 −2012: Член Редколлегии журнала Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Sciences;1999 — 2004: Член Редколлегии журнала Pakistan Journal of Nutrition; 2003—2010: Член Редколлегии журнала Functional Food & Genomics; 2003—2010: Член Совета Британского отделения ВНАП; c 2012: Член редколлегии журнала Agricultural Science and Technology (Болгария); c 2014:- Член редколлегии журнала Columbella, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (Венгрия); c 2012: Член редколлегии журнала Grain Products and Mixed Fodders (Украина); c 2012: Член редколлегии журнала Journal of Food Science and Technology (Украина); c 2010: Член редколлегии журнала Птахивництво, Харьков, Украина; 2010—2016: Член редколлегии портала AgroPromInform (Россия); c 2014: Член редколлегии журнала Biogeosystem Technique (Россия); c 2015: Член редколлегии журнала Cельскохозяйственная Биология (Россия); 2015: Член редколлегии журнала EC Nutrition; 2019: Член редколегии журнала Animals; 2019: Член редколлегии журнала Antioxidants.


1999: Престижная британская премия за инновацию в категории Академические и медицинские инновации «John Logie Baird Award for Innovation (1999) in the category Academic and Medical Spinouts» за разработку технологии производства супер-яиц.[8][9][10][11][12][13][14]

2000: Престижная премия Всемирной Ассоциации по птицеводству в области науки «World’s Poultry Science Association Award for Research (2000)» за выдающийся вклад в развитие мирового птицеводства (работа по антиокисидантам в птицеводстве). Премия выдается одному ученому в мире, раз в четыре года, за самые высокие достижения в области птицеводческой науки.[15][16]

2003 Включен в 7-е издание преcтижной книги биографий мировых лидеров в науке «Кто есть кто в науке и инженерии» -Biographee 7th Edition of Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering

2004 Включен в 8-е издание престижной книги биографий мировых лидеров в науке «Кто есть кто в науке и инженерии» -Biographee 7th Edition, 2005—2006, of Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering

2006 Включен в 9-е издание престижной книги биографий мировых лидеров в науке «Кто есть кто в науке и инженерии» -Biographee 7th Edition, 2006—2007, of Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering

2008 Включен в 10-е издание престижной книги биографий мировых лидеров в науке «Кто есть кто в науке и инженерии» — Biographee 10th Edition, 2008—2009, of Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering

2012 Включен в 30-е издание престижной книги биографий мировых лидеров в науке «Кто есть кто в Мире науки» — Who is Who in the World — 30th Edition

2013 Включен в 31-е издание престижной книги биографий мировых лидеров в науке «Кто есть кто в Мире науки» — Who is Who in the World — 31st Edition

2014 Включен в 32-е издание престижной книги биографий мировых лидеров в науке «Кто есть кто в Мире науки» — Who is Who in the World — 32nd Edition

1993: Профессор анатомии и физиологии человека, Харьковский государственный педагогический университет именит Г. С. Сковороды, Украина

2001: Профессор биохимии питания, Шотландский сельскохозяйственный колледж, Великобритания

2005: Профессор-визитер биохимии питания, Шотландский сельскохозяйственный колледж, Великобритания

2005: Почетный профессор питания, Университет Святого Иштвана, Годолло, Венгрия

2005: Почетный профессор Птицеводства и Животноводства, Тракийский Университет, Стара Загора, Болгария

2005: Почетный профессор Эволюционной биологии и экологии, Университет Глазго, Великобритания

2008: Почетный профессор животноводства и птицеводства, Сумской Национальный Аграрный Университет, Сумы, Украина

2009: Почетный профессор пищевых технологий, Одесская Национальная Академия Пищевых Технологий, Одесса, Украина

2010: Иностранный член Российской Сельскохозяйственной академии, Москва, Россия

2014: Иностранный член Российской Академии Наук, Москва, Россия[17]




Имеет 855 научных публикаций, включая 158 научную статью в высокорейтинговых, рецензируемых англоязычных журналах[18] 198 научных статей в рецензируемых русскоязычных научных журналах[19]; 5 Американских патентов[20] ;1 Канадский патент; 1 Европейский патент; 5 патентов Украины; 19 патентов (Свидетельств на изобретения) бывшего СССР[21] ; 13 Монографий (6 на английском языке)[22][23][24][25][26];[27] 44 глав в различных иностранных монографиях на английскоя языке.

В соответствии с данными Mendeleev (Scopus) Цитируемость — 7800; h-index — 54; к-во публикаций — 182[28]

В соответствии с Google Scholar Цитируемость — 13532 (за 2016 год- 1109; за 2017 год - 1038); h-index — 65; i10 index- 158; к-во публикаций — 313[29]

Активно выступает с лекциями на Международных конгрессах и конференциях, за последние 15 лет читал лекции в 72 странах[30][31][32]

Основные научные труды:

1.  OCHKUR S., KOPEICKA E., SURAI P., GRISHCHENKO V. (1994) The influence of cryopreservation on parameters of energetic

metabolism and motility of fowl spermatozoa. Cryobiology, 31: 239-244.

2.   DORMAN D., DEANS S., NOBLE R., SURAI P. (1995) Evaluation in vitro of plant essential oils as natural antioxidants. Journal of

Essential Oil Research, 7: 645-651.

3.  SURAI P., WISHART G. (1996) Poultry AI Technology in the countries of the former USSR. World's Poultry Science Journal, 52: 27-43.

4.  SURAI P., NOBLE R., SPEAKE B. (1996) Tissue-specific differences in antioxidant distribution and susceptibility to lipid peroxidation

during development of the chick embryo.  Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 1304: 1-10.

5.   GAAL T., VAJDOVICH P., SPEAKE B., NOBLE R., SURAI P. AND MEZES M. (1996) Ageing and lipid peroxidation. Hungarian

Veterinary Journal, 51: 165-169.

6.   GAAL T., SPEAKE B., MEZES M., NOBLE R., SURAI P., VAJDOVICH P. (1997) Antioxidant parameters and ageing in some animal

species. Comparative Hematology International, 6: 208-213.

7.   SURAI P., GAAL T., NOBLE R., SPEAKE B.  (1997) The relationship between a-tocopherol content of the yolk and its accumulation

in the tissues of the newly hatched chick.  Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 75: 212-216.

8.   SURAI P., KUTZ E., WISHART G., NOBLE R. and SPEAKE B. (1997) The relationship between the dietary provision of a-tocopherol

and the concentration of the vitamin in the semen of the chicken: effect on lipid composition and susceptibility to peroxidation. 

Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 110: 47-51.

9.  MEZES M., SURAI P., SALYI G., SPEAKE B., GAAL T., MALDJIAN A. (1997) Nutritional metabolic diseases of poultry and the disorders

of the biological antioxidant defence system. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 45: 349-360.

10.  SURAI P., KUCHMISTOVA E., SPEAKE B.K., BONDARENKO V. AND LISENKO S. (1997) Lipid peroxidation in avian embryonic tissues.

Biologicheskij Vestnik, 1: 12-22.

11. CEROLINI S., SURAI P., MALDJIAN A., GLIOZZI T., NOBLE R. (1997) Lipid composition of semen in different fowl breeders.

Poultry and Avian Biology Reviews, 8: 141-148.


supplementing the hen's diet with vitamin A on the accumulation of vitamins A and E, ascorbic acid and carotenoids in

the egg yolk and in the embryonic liver. British Poultry Science, 39: 257-263.

13. SURAI P., , KUCHMISTOVA E., NOBLE R., SPEAKE B. (1998) The relationship between the levels of a-tocopherol and carotenoids

in the maternal feed, yolk and neonatal tissues: Comparison between the chicken, turkey, duck and goose. Journal of the

Science of Food and Agriculture, 76: 593-598.

14. SURAI P., CEROLINI S., WISHART G., SPEAKE B., NOBLE R., SPARKS N. (1998) Lipid and antioxidant composition of chicken semen

and its susceptibility to peroxidation. Poultry and Avian Biology Reviews, 9: 11-23.

15. SURAI P., KOSTJUK I., WISHART G., MacPHERSON A., SPEAKE B., NOBLE R., IONOV I., KUTZ E. (1998) Effect of vitamin E and selenium

of cockerel diets on glutathione peroxidase activity and lipid peroxidation susceptibility in sperm, testes and liver. Biological Trace Element

Research, 64: 119-132.


glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activity and total antioxidant activity of avian semen. Comparative Biochemistry and

Physiology, 120B: 527-533.

17. SURAI P.F., SPEAKE B.K. (1998) Distribution of carotenoids from the yolk to the tissues of the chick embryo. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry,

9: 645-651.

18.  SURAI P.F. and SPEAKE B.K. (1998) Selective excretion of yolk-derived tocotrienols into the bile of chick embryo. Comparative Biochemistry

and Physiology, 121B: 393-396.

19. MALDJIAN A., CEROLINI S., SURAI P., SPEAKE B. (1998) The effect of vitamin E, green tea extracts and catechin on the in vitro storage

of turkey spermatozoa at room temperature. Poultry and Avian Biology Reviews, 9: 143-151.

20. SPEAKE B.K., DECROCK F., SURAI P.F., GROSCOLAS R. (1999) Fatty acid composition of the yolk lipids of a fish-eating bird, the Emperor

Penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri). Lipids, 4: 283-290.

21. SURAI P.F., SPEAKE B.K., NOBLE R.C. and SPARKS N.H.C. (1999)  Tissue-specific antioxidant profiles and susceptibility to lipid peroxidation

of the newly hatched chick. Biology Trace Element Research, 68: 63-78.

22. THOMPSON M.B., SPEAKE B.K., RUSSELL K.J., McCARTNEY R.J., SURAI P.F. (1999) Changes in fatty acid profiles and in protein, ion and

energy contents of eggs of the Murray Short-Necked Turtle, Emydura macquarii (Chelonia, Pleurodira) during development. Comparative

Biochemistry and Physiology, 122A: 75-84.

23. SURAI P., SPEAKE B., NOBLE R., MEZES M. (1999) Species-Specific Differences in the Fatty Acid Profiles of the Lipids of the Yolk and of

the Liver of the Chick. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 79: 733-736.

24. SURAI P. (1999) Vitamin E in avian reproduction. Poultry and Avian Biology Reviews, 10: 1-60.

25. ROYLE N.J., SURAI P.F., McCARTNEY R.J. and SPEAKE B.K. (1999) Parental investment and egg yolk lipid composition in gulls. Functional

Ecology, 13: 298-306.

26. SURAI P. (1999) Tissue-specific changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes during the development of the chicken embryo. British Poultry

Science, 40: 397-405.

27. SURAI P.F., NOBLE R.C., SPEAKE B.K. (1999) Relationship between vitamin E content and susceptibility to lipid peroxidation in tissues of the

newly hatched chick. British Poultry Science, 40: 406-410.

28. THOMPSON M.B., STEWART J.R., SPEAKE B.K., RUSSELL K.J., McCARTNEY R.J., SURAI P.F. (1999) Placental nutrition in a viviparos

lizard with a complex placenta. Journal of Zoology, London 248: 295-305.

29. SPEAKE B.K., SURAI P.F., NOBLE R.C., BEER J.V. AND WOOD N. (1999) Differences in egg lipid and antioxidant composition between

wild and captive pheasants and geese. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 124B, 1: 101-107.

30. SURAI P.F., SPARKS N.H.C., NOBLE R.C. (1999) Antioxidant systems of the avian embryo: tissue-specific accumulation and distribution

of vitamin E in the turkey embryo during development. British Poultry Science, 40: 458-466.

31. THOMPSON M.B., SPEAKE B.K., STEWART J.R., RUSSELL K.J., McCARTNEY R.J., SURAI P.F. (1999) Placental nutrition in the

viviparous lizard Niveoscincus metallicus: the influence of placental type. Journal of Experimental Biology, 202 (Pt 21):2985-2992.

32. CEROLINI S., MALDJIAN A., SURAI P., NOBLE R. (2000) Viability, susceptibility to peroxidation and fatty acid composition of boar semen

during liquid storage. Journal of Animal Reproduction Science, 58: 99-111.

33. SURAI P.F., BRILLARD J-P., SPEAKE B.K., BLESBOIS E., SEIGNEURIN F., SPARKS N.H.C. (2000) Phospholipid fatty acid composition,

vitamin E content and susceptibility to lipid peroxidation of duck semen. Theriogenology, 53: 1025-1039.

34. DORMAN D., SURAI P., DEANS S. (2000) In vitro Antioxidant Activity of a Number of Plant Essential Oils and Phytoconstituents. Journal of

Essential Oil Research, 12: 241-248.

35. SURAI P.F. (2000) Effect of the selenium and vitamin E content of the maternal diet on the antioxidant system of the yolk and the developing

chick. British Poultry Science, 41: 235-243.

36. SURAI P.F., MacPHERSON A., SEAKE B.K., SPARKS N.H.C. (1999) Designer egg evaluation in a controlled trial. European Journal of

Clinical Nutrition, 54: 298-305.

37. SURAI P.F., , SPARKS N.H.C. (2000) Fatty acid, carotenoid and vitamin A composition of tissues of free living gulls. Comparative Biochemistry

and Physiology, 126A: 387-396.

38. SURAI P.F., SPARKS N.H.C. (2000) Tissue-specific fatty acid and a-tocopherol profiles in the male chickens depending on dietary tuna oil and

vitamin E provision. Poultry Science, 79:1132-1142.

39. SURAI P.F., KUKLENKO T.V. (2000) Effects of vitamin A on the antioxidant systems of the growing chicken.  Asian-Australian Journal of Animal

Sciences, 13: 1290-1295.

40. SURAI P.F., KUKLENKO T., IONOV I., NOBLE R. AND SPARKS N. (2000) Effect of vitamin A on antioxidant system of the chick during early

post-natal development.  British Poultry Science, 41: 454-458.

41. MOLLER A.P., BIARD C., BLOUNT J.D., HOUSTON D.C., NINNI P., SAINO N. and SURAI P.F. (2000). Carotenoid-dependent signals:

Indicators of foraging efficiency, immunocompetence or detoxification ability? Poultry and Avian Biology Reviews, 11: 137-159.

42. SURAI P.F., NOBLE R.C., SPARKS N.H.C., SPEAKE B.K. (2000) Dietary supplementation of male chickens with oils rich in arachidonic

or docosahexaenoic acids sustains spermatogenesis at 60 weeks of age. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 120: 257-264.

43. SURAI P.F., CEROLINI S., SPEAKE B.K.  (2000) Effect of supplementing the diet of male chickens with oils rich in n-6 polyunsaturated

fatty acids on the fatty acid profiles of the testis and liver. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Sciences, 13: 1518-1522.

44. SURAI P.F., SPEAKE B.K., BORTOLOTTI G.R. and NEGRO J.J. (2001) Captivity Diets Alter Egg Yolk Lipids of a Bird of Prey, the American

Kestrel, and of a Galliforme, the Red-Legged Partridge. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 74: 153-160.

45. SURAI P.F. and SPARKS N.H.C. (2001) Comparative evaluation of the effect of two maternal diets on fatty acids, vitamin E and carotenoids

in the chick embryo. British Poultry Science, 42: 252-259.

46. SURAI P.F., SPEAKE B.K., WOOD N.A.R., BLOUNT J.D., BORTOLOTTI G.R. and SPARKS N.H.C. (2001) Carotenoid discrimination by the

avian embryo: A lesson from wild birds. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 128B, 4: 743-750.

47. SURAI P.F., SPEAKE B.K. and N.H.C.  (2001) Carotenoids in avian nutrition and embryonic development. 1. Absorption, availability and

levels in plasma and egg yolk. Journal of Poultry Science, 38: N1: 1-27.

48. SURAI P.F., SPEAKE B.K. and SPARKS N.H.C. (2001) Carotenoids in avian nutrition and embryonic development. 2. Antioxidant properties

and discrimination in embryonic tissues. Journal of Poultry Science, 38: N2: 117-145.

49. ROYLE N.J., SURAI P.F., HARTLEY I.R. (2001) Maternally derived androgens and antioxidants in bird eggs: complementary but opposing

effects? Behaviour Ecology, 12:  381-385

50. SURAI P.F., FUJIHARA N., SPEAKE B.K., BRILLARD J-P., WISHART G.J. and SPARKS N.H.C. (2001) Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Lipid

Peroxidation and Antioxidant Protection in Avian Semen -Review- Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Sciences, 17, 7: 1024-1050.

51. SPEAKE B.K., SURAI P.F., GORE M. (2001) Lipid Composition, Fatty Acid Profiles and Lipid-Soluble Antioxidants of Eggs of the Herman's

Tortoise (Testudo hermanni). Zoo Biology, 20, 2: 75-87.

52. SURAI P.F. and SPARKS N.H.C. (2001) Designer eggs: from improvement of egg composition to functional food. Trends in Food Science

and Technology, 12: 7-16.

53. DVORSKA J.E. and SURAI P.F. (2001) Effects of T-2 toxin, zeolite and Mycosorb on antioxidant systems of growing quail. Asian-Australian

J. Anim. Sci., 14: 1752-1757.

54. SURAI P.F., BORTOLOTTI G.R., FIDGETT A., BLOUNT J. and SPEAKE B.K. (2001) Effects of piscivory on the fatty acid profiles and

antioxidants of avian yolk: studies on eggs of the gannet, skua, pelican and cormorant. J.Zool. Lond., 255: 305-312.

55. SURAI P.F, SPEAKE B.K., DECROCK F. and GROSCOLAS R. (2001) Transfer of Vitamins E and A from Yolk to Embryo during Development

of the King Penguin. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 74, 6: 928-936.

56. DVORSKA J.E., SURAI P.F., SPEAKE B.K. and SPARKKS N.H.C. (2001) Effect of the mycotoxin aurofusarin on the fatty acid profile and

antioxidant composition of quail eggs. British Poultry Sci., 42: 643-649.

57. BLOUNT J.D., SURAI P.F., NAGER RG, HOUSTON D.C., MOLLER A. P. TREWBY M. L. & KENNEDY M.W. (2002).  Carotenoids and egg

quality in the lesser black-backed gull Larus fuscus: a supplemental feeding study of maternal effects.  Proceedings of the Royal Society,

B. 269: 29-36

58. DVORSKA J.E., SURAI P.F., SPEAKE B.K., SPARKS N.H.C. (2002) Antioxidant systems of the developing quail embryo are compromised

by mycotoxin aurofusarin. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 131C, 2: 197-205.

59. BARTON N.W.H, FOX N.C., SURAI P.F. and SPEAKE B.K. (2002) Vitamins E and A, carotenoids and fatty acids of the egg yolk of raptors.

The Journal of Raptor Research, 36, 1: 33-38.    

60. BLOUNT J. D., SURAI P. F., HOUGSTON D. C. & MOLLER A. P. (2002). Patterns of yolk enrichment with dietary carotenoids in gulls: the

roles of pigment acquisition and utilization. Functional Ecology, 16: 445-453.

61. SURAI P.F. (2002) Selenium in poultry nutrition: a new look at an old element. 1. Antioxidant properties, deficiency and toxicity. World’s

Poultry Science Journal, 58: 333-347.

62. SPEAKE B.K., SURAI P.F. and BORTOLOTTI G.R. (2002) Fatty acid profiles of the yolk lipids of wild ducks show little interspecies variation

despite differences in dietary preference. J. Zoology, 257: 533-538.

63. RAPHAEL ARLETTAZ, PHILIPPE CHRISTE, PETER F. SURAI and ANDRES PAPE MOLLER (2002). Deliberate rusty staining of plumage \

in the bearded vulture: does function precede art? Animal Bihaviour, 64, 3, F1-F3

64. SURAI P.F. (2002) Selenium in poultry nutrition: a new look at an old element. 2. Reproduction, egg and meat quality and practical applications.

World’s Poultry Science Journal, 58: 431-450.

65. HORAK P., SURAI P.F. and MOLLER A.P. (2002). Fat-soluble antioxidants in the eggs of great tits Parus major in relation to breeding habitat

and laying sequence. Avian Science, 2: 123-130.

66.   BLOUNT J.D., METCALFE N.B., BIRKHEAD T.R. and SURAI P.F. (2003).  Carotenoid modulation of immune function and sexual attractiveness

in Zebra Finches. Science, 300: 125-127.

67. YAROSHENKO F.A., DVORSKA J.E., SURAI P.F. and N.H.C. (2003). Selenium-enriched eggs as a source of selenium for human consumption.

Applied Biotechnology, Food Science and Policy, 1: 13-23.

68. SPEAKE B.K., DECROCK F., GROSCOLAS R., SURAI P.F. and WOOD N.A.R. (2003). Establishment of the Brain’s Fatty Acid Profile during

Embryonic Development of the King Penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus): Effects of a Yolk which is Naturally Rich in n-3 Polyunsaturates.

Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 76, 2: 187-195.

69. SURAI K.P., SURAI P.F., SPEAKE B.K. and N.H.C. (2003). Antioxidant-prooxidant balance in the intestine: Food for thought. 1. Prooxidants.

Nutritional Genomics and Functional Foods, 1, 1: 51-70.

70. DVORSKA J.E., SURAI P.F., SPEAKE B.K. and N.H.C. (2003). Protective effect of Modified Glucomannans against aurofusarin-induced changes

in quail egg and embryo. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 135, 3: 337-343.

71. ROYLE N.J., SURAI P.F. and HARTLEY I.R. (2003) Effect of variation in dietary intake on maternal deposition of antioxidants in zebra finch eggs.

Functional Ecology, 17: 472-481.

72. BORTOLOTTI G.R., NEGRO J.N., SURAI P.F., PRIETO P. (2003) Carotenoids in eggs and plasma of red-legged partridges: Effects of diet and

reproductive output. Physiol. Biochem. Zoology, 76, 3:367-374.

73. SURAI A.P., SURAI P.F., STEINBERG W., WAKEMAN W.G., SPEAKE B.K. and SPARKS N.H.C. (2003). Effect of canthaxanthin content of the

maternal diet on the antioxidant system of the developing chick. British Poultry Science, 44, 4: 612-619.

74.  BLOUNT J.D., METCALFE N.B., ARNOLD K.E., SURAI P.F., DEVEVEY G.L. and MONAGHAN P. (2003). Neonatal nutrition, adult antioxidant

defences and sexual attractiveness in the zebra finch. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 270: 1691-1696.

75. BREQUE C., SURAI P. and BRILLARD J-P. (2003). Roles of antioxidants in prolonged storage of avian spermatozoa in vivo and in vitro.

Molecular Reproduction and Development, 66, 3: 314-323.

76. HORAK P., SURAI P.F., and MOLLER A.P. (2004). Fat soluble antioxidants in brood-rearing great tits: relations to health and appearance.

J. Avian Biology, 35 (1): 63-70

77. SURAI K.P., SURAI P.F., SPEAKE B.K. and N.H.C. (2004). Antioxidant-prooxidant balance in the intestine: Food for thought. 2. Antioxidants.

Current Topics in Neutraceutical Research, 2: 27-46.

78. BLOUNT J.D., , SURAI P.F., MOLLER A.P. (2004). Egg-laying capacity is limited by carotenoid pigment availability in wild gulls Larus fuscus.

Proc. Royal. Soc. Biology Letters, 271: Suppl. 1; S79-S81.

79. HORAK, P., SAKS, L., KARU, U., OTS, , SURAI, P.F. and McGRAW, K.J. (2004) How coccidian parasites affect health and appearance of

greenfinches. J. Anim. Ecol.,73:  935-947.

80. DVORSKA J.E. and SURAI P.F. (2004). Protective Effect of Modified Glucomannans Against Changes in Antioxidant Systems of Quail Egg

and Embryo Due to Aurofusarin Consumption. Asian-Austalasian J. Anim. Sci., 17: 434-440.

81. MOLLER A.P., SURAI P.F. and MOUSSEAU T.A. (2005). Antioxidants, radiation and mutation in barn swallows from Chernobil. Proc. Royal

Soc. Lond., 272: 247-253

82. VERBOVEN N., EVANS N.P., D’ALBA L., NAGER R.G., BLOUNT J.D., SURAI P.F., MONAGHAN P. (2005). Intra-specific interactions

influence egg composition in the lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus). Behav Ecol. Sociobiol., 57: 357-365.

83. CELORINI S., SURAI, P.F., SPEAKE B.K. and SPARKS N.H.C. (2005). Dietary fish and evening primorose oil with vitamin E effects on

semen parameters in cockerels. British Poultry Science, 46: 214-222.

84. BIARD C., SURAI P.F. and MOLLER A.P. (2005). Effect of carotenoid availability during laying on reproduction in the blue tit. Oecologia,

11: 1-13.

85. KARADAS F., SURAI P.F., SPARKS N.H.C. and GRAMMENIDIS E. (2005). Effects of maternal dietary supplementation with three sources

of carotenoids on the retinyl esters of egg yolk and developing quail liver. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 140A: 430-435.

86. KARADAS F., WOOD N.A.R., SURAI P.F. and SPARKS N.H.C. (2005). Tissue-specific distribution of carotenoids and vitamin E in the newly

hatched chicks. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 140A:  506-511.

87. PAPPAS A.P., McDEVITT R.M., SURAI P.F., ACAMOVIC T. and SPARKS N.H.C. (2005). The Effect of Supplementing Broiler Breeder Diets

with Selenium and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Egg Quality during Storage. Poultry Science, 84: 865-874.

88. KARADAS F., PAPPAS A.C., SURAI, P.F. and SPEAKE B.K. (2005).  Embryonic development within carotenoid-enriched eggs influences the

posthatch carotenoid status of the chicken.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 141B: 244-251.

89. McLEAN J. A., KARADAS F., SURAI P.F., SPEAKE B.K., McDEVITT R.M. and SPARKS N.H.C. (2005). Lipid-soluble and water-soluble

antioxidant activities of the avian intestinal mucosa at different sites along the intestinal tract. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology,

141B: 366-372

90. SURAI, P.F., KARADAS, F., PAPPAS, A.C. and SPARKS, N.H.C. (2006). Effect of organic selenium in quail diet on its accumulation in tissues

and transfer to the progeny. British Poultry Science, 47: 65-72

91. PAPPAS, A.C., KARADAS, F., SURAI, P.F. and SPEAKE, B.K. (2005). The selenium intake of the female chicken exerts a continuing influence

on the selenium status of her progeny. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 142B: 465-474.

92. SURAI, P.F. and MEZES, M. (2005).  Mycotoxins and Immunity: Theoretical consideration and practical applications. Praxis Veterinaria 53: 71- 88.

93. GROOTHUIS, T., BLOUNT, J., DIJKSTRA, C., WENDT, M. and SURAI, P.F. (2006).  Multiple pathways of maternal effects in black-headed gull

eggs: Constraint and adaptive mutual adjustment. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 19 1304-1313.

94. KARADAS, F, SURAI, P.F., GRAMMENIDIS, E., SPARKS, N.H.C. and ACAMOVIC, T. (2006). The effects of the supplementation of tomato powder

and marigold extract of maternal diet on antioxidant system of developing quail. British Poultry Science, 47, 2: 200-208

95. BIARD C., SURAI P.F. and MOLLER A.P. (2006). Carotenoid availability in diet and phenotype of blue and great tit nestlings. The Journal of

Experimental Biology, 209 (Pt6): 1004-1015

96. EWEN, J.G., THOROGOOD, R., KARADAS F., PAPPAS A.C. and SURAI P.F. (2006).  Influences of carotenoid supplementation on the integrated

antioxidant system of a free-living endangered passerine, the hihi (Notiomystis cincta). Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol., 143: 149-154

97. EWEN, J.G., MOLLER A.P., STRADI, R., ARMSTRONG D.P., GRIFFITH, R., SURAI, P.F. (2006). Carotenoids, colour and conservation in an

endangered passerine, the hihi or stitchbird. Animal Conservation, 9: 229-235.

98. BREQUE, C., SURAI, P. and BRILLARD, J-P. (2006). Antioxidant status of the lower oviduct in fowl varies with age and vitamin E diet supplementation.

Molecular Reproduction and Development, 73: 1045-1051

99. WILLIAMSON, K.A., SURAI, P.F. and GRAVES, J.A. (2006). Yolk antioxidants and attractiveness in the Zebra Finch. Functional Ecology 20: 354-359.

100. BLOUNT, J.D., METCALFE, N.B., ARNOLD, K.E., SURAI, P.F.and MONAGHAN, P. (2006). Effect of neonatal nutrition on adult reproduction in a

passorino bird. Ibis, 148:  508-514.

101. SVENSSON, A., PELABON, C., BLOUNT, J., SURAI, P. and AMUDSEN, T. (2006). Does female nuptial coloration reflect egg carotenoids and clutch

quality in the two-spotted goby. Functional Ecology, 20:  689-698.

102. PAPPAS, A.C., KARADAS, F., SURAI, P.F., WOOD, N., CASSEY, P. and SPEAKE, B.K. (2006). Interspecies variation in yolk selenium concentrations

among eggs of free-living birds. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 20: 155-160

103. PAPPAS A.P., ACAMOVIC T., SPARKS N.H.C. SURAI P.F., and McDEVITT R.M., (2006). Effects of supplementing broiler breeder diets with

organo-selenium compounds and polyunsaturated fatty acids on hatchability. Poultry Science, 85: 1584-1593

104. PAPPAS A.P., ACAMOVIC T., SPARKS N.H.C. SURAI P.F., and McDEVITT R.M., (2006). Maternal organo-selenium compounds and polyunsaturated

fatty acids affect progeny performance and levels of selenium and docosahexaenoic acid in the chick tissues. Poultry Science, 85: 1610-1620

105. KARADAS, F, GRAMMENIDIS, E., SURAI, P.F., ACAMOVIC, T. and SPARKS, N.H.C. (2006). Effects of carotenoids from lucerne, marigold and

tomato on egg yolk pigmentation and carotenoid composition. British Poultry Science, 47: 561-566

106. PAPPA, E.C., PAPPAS, A.C. and SURAI, P.F. (2006). Selenium content in selected foods from the Greek market and estimation of the daily intake. 

Science of the Total Environment, 372: 100-108.

107. PAPAZYAN, T.T., LYONS, M.P., MEZES, M and SURAI, P.F.  (2006). Selenium in poultry nutrition- Effects on fertility and hatchability.  Praxis

Veterinaria, 54: 85-102.

108. PAPAZYAN, T.T., DENEV, S.A. and SURAI, P.F. (2006). Selenium in poultry nutrition. Lessons from research and wild nature. Krmiva, 48: 275-284.

109. DIMITROV, S.G., ATANASOV, V.K., SURAI, P.F. and DENEV, S.A. (2007). Effect of organic selenium on Turkey semen quality during liquid storage.

Anim Reprod. Sci.,  100: 311-317

111. GARAMSZEGI, L.Z., BIARD, C., EVENS, M., MOLLER, A.P., SAINO, N. and SURAI, P. (2007). Maternal effects and the evolution of brain size in birds:

Overlooked developmental constraints. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 31: 498-515.

112. DVORSKA JE, PAPPAS AC, KARADAS F, SPEAKE BK, SURAI PF. (2007). Protective effect of modified glucomannans and organic selenium against

antioxidant depletion in the chicken liver due to T-2 toxin-contaminated feed consumption. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol.,

145: 582-587.

113. BIARD C., SURAI P.F. and MOLLER A.P. (2007). An analysis of pre- and posthatching maternal effects mediated by carotenoids in blue tit.

Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 20: 326-339.


Maternal immune factors and the evolution of secondary sexual characters. Behavioral Ecology, 18: 513-520.

115. LYONS, M.P., T.T. PAPAZYAN AND P.F. SURAI (2007). Selenium in food chain and animal nutrition: Lessons from nature (review). Asian-

Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 20: 1135-1155.

116. PHILCHENKOV A, ZAVELEVICH M, KHRANOVSKAYA N, SURAI P.F. (2007) Comparative analysis of apoptosis induction by selenium compounds in

human lymphoblastic leukemia MT-4 cells. Exp Oncol., 29: 257-261.

117. FISININ, V.I., PAPAZYAN, T.T. AND SURAI, P.F. (2008). Producing Specialist poultry products to meet human nutritional requirements:

Selenium enriched eggs. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 64: 85-97

118. SURAI, P.F., MEZES, M., MELNICHUK, S.D., FOTINA T.I. (2008). Mycotoxins and animal health: From oxidative stress to gene expression.

Krmiva, 50: 35-43

119. PAPPAS, A.C., ZOIDIS, E., SURAI, P.F. AND ZERVAS, G. (2008). Selenoproteins and maternal nutrition. Comparative Biochemistry and

Physiology. B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 151: 361-372.

120. SCHRAUZER, G.N. and SURAI, P.F. (2009). Selenium in human and animal nutrition: Resolved and unresolved issues. A partly historical

treatise in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of the biological essentiality of selenium, dedicated to the memory

of Klaus Schwarz (1914–1978) on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of his death Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 29, 1: 2–9

121. FISININ, V.I., PAPAZYAN, T.T. and SURAI, P.F. (2009). Producing selenium-enriched eggs and meat to improve the selenium status of the

general population. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 29, 1: 18–28.

122. Biard C, Gil D, Karadaş F, Saino N, Spottiswoode CN, Surai PF, Møller AP. (2009). Maternal effects mediated by antioxidants and the evolution

of carotenoid-based signals in birds. Am Nat., 174, 5: 696-708.

123. BORTOLOTTI, G.R., HOBSON, K.A., BUTT, U.J and SURAI, P.F. (2009). Influence of diet on egg size in American coots: Evidence from food

supplementation and biochemical markers. Auk, 126, 4: 831-838.

124. PAPPAS AC, ZOIDIS E, GEORGIOU CA, DEMIRIS N, SURAI PF. and FEGEROS K. (2011). Influence of organic selenium supplementation

on the accumulation of toxic and essential trace elements involved in the antioxidant system of chicken. Food Addit Contam Part A Chem

Anal Control Expo Risk Assess., 28, 4: 446-54.

125. KARADAS F, SURAI PF and SPARKS NH. (2011). Changes in broiler chick tissue concentrations of lipid-soluble antioxidants immediately post-hatch.

Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol., 160, 1:68-71.

126.  MOLLER AP, BIARD C, KARADAS F, RUBOLINI D, SAINO N, and SURAI PF (2011) Maternal effects and changing phenology of bird migration. Clim

Res., 49: 201-210

127. SURAI PF (2012). The antioxidant properties of canthaxanthin and its potential effects in the poultry eggs and on embryonic development

of the chick. Part 1. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 68, 465-475.

128. SURAI PF (2012). The antioxidant properties of canthaxanthin and its potential effects in the poultry eggs and on embryonic development

of the chick. Part 2. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 68, 717- 726.

129. FOTINA A.A., FISININ V.I. and SURAI P.F. (2013). Recent developments in usage of natural antioxidants to improve chicken production

and quality. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19: 889-896

130. SURAI, P.F. (2014). Polyphenol compounds in the chicken/animal diet: from the past to the future. Journal of Animal Physiology and

Animal Nutrition, 98: 19-31.

131. SURAI P.F. and FISININ V.I. (2014). Selenium in poultry breeder nutrition. An update. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 191: 1-15

132. NOGUERA J.C., METCALFE N.B., SURAI P.F., MONAGHAN P. (2015). Are you what you eat? Micronutritional deficiencies during

development influence adult personality-related traits. Animal Behaviour, 101: 129-140.

133. SURAI P.F. and FISININ V.I. (2015). Selenium in pig nutrition and reproduction: Boars and semen quality – A review. Asian-Australasian

Journal of Animal Sciences, 28, 5: 730-746.

134. SURAI P.F. (2015). Silymarin as a Natural Antioxidant: An Overview of the Current Evidence and Perspectives. Antioxidants, 4: 204-247.

135. SURAI P.F., FISININ V.I. (2015). Antioxidant-Prooxidant Balance in the Intestine: Applications in Chick Placement and Pig Weaning.

J. Veter. Sci. Med., 3, 1: 1-16.

136. SHATSKIKH, E.; LATIPOVA, E., FISININ, V., DENEV, S.; SURAI, P. (2015). Molecular mechanisms and new strategies to fight stresses

in egg-producing birds. Agricultural Science and Technology, 7, 1: 3-10.

137. SURAI P.F. (2015). Antioxidant Action of Carnitine: Molecular Mechanisms and Practical Applications. EC Veterinary Science 2.1: 66-84.

138. SURAI PF. (2015). Antioxidant Systems in Poultry Biology: Heat Shock Proteins. Journal of Science, 5, 12: 1188-1222.


Food supplementation reveals constraints and adaptability of egg quality in the magpie Pica pica. Avian Biology Research, 8, 4: 244-253

140.  SURAI P.F. (2015). Carnitine Enigma: From Antioxidant Action to Vitagene Regulation. Part 1. Absorption, Metabolism and Antioxidant Activities.

J. Veter. Sci. Med., 3, 2: 14.

141.  SURAI P.F. (2015). Carnitine Enigma: From Antioxidant Action to Vitagene Regulation. Part 2. Transcription Factors and Practical Applications

J. Veter. Sci. Med., 3, 2: 17.

142. SURAI PF. (2016). Antioxidant Systems in Poultry Biology: Superoxide Dismutase. Journal of Animal Nutrition, 1, 1: 8.

143. SURAI P.F., FISININ V.I. (2016). Selenium in Sow Nutrition.  Animal Feed Science and Technology, 211: 18-30.

144.  SURAI PF., FISININ V.I., KARADAS F. (2016). Antioxidant Systems in Chick Embryo Development. Part 1. Vitamin E, Carotenoids and Selenium.

Animal Nutrition, 2: 1-11.

145. SURAI P.F., FISININ V.I. (2016). Vitagenes in poultry production. Part 1. Technological and environmental stresses. World’s Poultry Science

Journal 72: 721-734.

146. SURAI P.F., FISININ V.I. (2016). Vitagenes in poultry production. Part 2. Nutritional and Internal stresses. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 72:

761- 772.

147.  SURAI P.F., FISININ V.I. (2016). Vitagenes in poultry production. Part 3. Vitagene concept development. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 72:


148. GRIGORIEVA M.A., VELICHKO O.A., SHABALDIN S.V., FISININ V.I., SURAI P.F. (2017). Vitagene regulation as a new strategy to fight stresses

in poultry production. Agricultural Biology, 52, 4: 716-730.

149. SURAI P.F. (2017). Antioxidant defences: Food for thoughts. EC Nutrition, 10.2: 65-66

150. SURAI P.F., KOCHISH I.I., VELICHKO O.A. (2017). Nano-Se Assimilation and Action in Poultry and Other Monogastric Animals: Is Gut Microbiota

an Answer? Nanoscale Research Letters, 12: 612; DOI 10.1186/s11671-017-2383-3

151. SURAI P.F., KOCHISH I.I., FISININ V.I. (2017). Antioxidant systems in poultry biology: Nutritional modulation of vitagenes. European Journal of

Poultry Science, 81, 1612-9199.

152. SURAI P.F., KOCHISH I.I., FISININ V.I., VELICHKO O.A. (2018). Selenium in poultry nutrition: from sodium selenite to organic Se sources. Journal

of Poultry Science, 55: 79-93.

153.  SURAI P.F., KOCHISH I.I., FISININ V.I (2018). Glutathione peroxidases in poultry biology: Part 1. Classification and mechanisms of action. World’s

Poultry Science Journal ,73: 185-197.

154. SURAI P.F., KOCHISH I.I., FISININ V.I (2018). Glutathione peroxidases in poultry biology: Part 2. Modulation of enzymatic activities. World’s Poultry

Science Journal, 73: 239-250.

155. SURAI P.F., KOCHISH I.I. (2019). Nutritional modulation of the antioxidant capacities in poultry: the case of Selenium. Poultry Science (In Press).

156. SURAI P.F., KOCHISH I.I., ROMANOV M.N., GRIFFIN D.K. (2019). Nutritional modulation of the antioxidant capacities in poultry: the case of

Vitamin E. Poultry Science (In Press).

157.SURAI P.F., KOCHISH I.I.,FISININ V.I,., KIDD M.K. (2019). Antioxidant Defence Systems and Oxidative Stress in Poultry Biology: An Update. Antioxidants (Basel).8, 7.  pii: E235.

158. SURAI P.F., KOCHISH I.I.,FISININ V.I,., JUNIPER D.T. (2019). Revisiting Oxidative Stress and the Use of Organic Selenium in Dairy Cow Nutrition. Animals (Basel) 9, 7, pii: E462.

МОНОГРАФИИ (На английском языке)

1.     SURAI, P.F. (2018). Selenium in Poultry Nutrition and Health. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 430 pages;

2.     SURAI, P. and NOBLE, R. (2015). Eggs in Your Life. Feed-Food.Ltd, UK, 157 pages;

3.     PAPPAS, A.C., ZOIDIS E., FEGEROS K., SURAI P.F. AND ZERVAS G. (2010). Cadmium Toxicity and the Antioxidant System. Nova

Science Pub Inc, 63 pages;

4.     SURAI P.F. and TAYLOR-PICKARD, J.A. (Eds.) (2008).  Current Advances in Se Research and Applications, Wageningen Academic

Publishers, 351 pages;

5.     SURAI P.F. (2006). Selenium in Nutrition and Health. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, 974 pages;

6.     SURAI P.F. (2002). Natural Antioxidants in Avian Nutrition and Reproduction. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, 615 pages.

Монографии на Русском языке

1. СУРАЙ П.Ф.; КОЧИШ И.И., ФИСИНИН В.И., ГРОЗИНА А.А., ШАЦКИХ Е.В. (2018). Молекулярные механизмы поддержания

здоровья кишечника птицы: Роль микробиоты. Монография, М., Сельскохозяйственные технологии, 344 страницы;

2. КОЧИШ И.И., ИЛЬИНА Л.А., ЛАПТЕВ Г.Ю., НИКОНОВ И.Н., СМОЛЕНСКИЙ В.И., СУРАЙ П.Ф. (2017). Кормовые и ветеринарные

аспекты состояния микробиоты кишечника кур-несушек. Монография. Москва, 78 страниц;

3. ФИСИНИН В.И, СУРАЙ П.Ф., КУЗНЕЦОВ А.И., МИХТАХУТДИНОВ А.B., ТЕРМАН А.А. (2013). Стрессы и стрессовая чувствительность

кур в мясном птицеводстве. Диагностика и профилактика. Троицк, 215 страниц;

4. CУРАЙ П.Ф., БУЖИН А.А., ЯРОШЕНКО Ф.А., ИОНОВ И.А. (1997). Жирорастворимые витамины в птицеводстве, Черкассы, 295 страниц;

5. ИОНОВ И.А., КАРТАШОВ Н., СУРАЙ П.Ф., ЧЕЧЕТКИН А.В., САХАЦКИЙ Н.И. (1997). Витамин К. Биохимическая роль и биологические

функции, Харьков, 377 страниц;

6. МИКИТЮК А., САХАЦКИЙ Н.И., СУРАЙ П.Ф., ИОНОВ И.А. (1995). Жирорастворимые витамины в жизни человека, Харьков, 75 страниц;

7. СУРАЙ П.Ф., ИОНОВ И.А., САХАЦКИЙ Н.И., ЯРОШЕНКО Ф.А. (1994). Витамин Е и качество мяса птиц, Донецк, 225 страниц;

8. ВАЛЬДМАН А.Р., СУРАЙ П.Ф., ИОНОВ И.А., САХАЦКИЙ Н.И. (1993). Витамины в кормлении животных, Харьков, 423 страницы.


1.  SURAI P.F. (2000) Organic selenium: benefits to animals and humans, a biochemist's view. In: Biotechnology in the Feed industry

(T.P. Lyons and K.A. Jacques, eds.). Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK, pp.205-260.

2.  SURAI P.F. and SPARKS N.H.C. (2001). Developing optimal egg status for a viable chick. Poultry Beyond 2005. Carving a great future.

Edited by R.J. Diprose, G.D. Coles and J.G. Foulds. Poultry Industry Association of New Zealand, Inc. and the New Zealand Institute for Crop

and Food Research, Ltd., pp.40-53.

3. SURAI P.F. (2002). Antioxidant protection in the intestine: a good beginning is half the battle. In: Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food

Industries (T.P. Lyons and K.A. Jacques, eds.). Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK, pp.301-321

4. SURAI P.F. and DVORSKA J.E. (2002). Strategies to enhance antioxidant protection and implications for the well-being of companion animals.

In: Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries. (T.P. Lyons and K.A. Jacques, eds.). Nottingham University Press, Nottingham,

UK, pp.521-534

5. SURAI P.F., DVORSKA J.E., SPARKS N.H.C and JACQUES K.A. (2002). Impact of mycotoxins on the body’s antioxidant defense. In: Nutritional

Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries (T.P. Lyons and K.A. Jacques, eds.). Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK, pp. 131-141

6. SURAI P.F. (2002). Natural antioxidants in poultry nutrition- A review. Poultry Beyond 2005. Carving a great future. Edited by R.J. Diprose, G.D.Coles

and J.G. Foulds. Poultry Industry Association of New Zealand, Inc. and the New Zealand Institite for Crop and Food Research, Ltd., pp.299-336.

7. SURAI P.F., SPEAKE B.K. and N.H.C. (2003). Comparative Aspects of Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Protection in Avian Semen. In: Male Fertility

and Lipid Metabolism, Ed. By Stephanie De Vriese and Armand Christophe, AOCS Press. Chapter 15, pp.211-249.

8. SPEAKE B.K, SURAI P.F and ROOKE J.A. (2003). Regulation of Avian and Mammalian Sperm Production by Dietary Fatty Acids. In: Male Fertility and

Lipid Metabolism, Ed. By Stephanie DeVriese and Armand Christophe, AOCS Press. Chapter 9, pp.96-117.

9. SURAI P.F. (2003). Selenium-vitamin E interactions: Does 1+1 equal more than 2?. In: Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries

(T.P. Lyons and K.A. Jacques, eds.). Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK, pp.59-76.

10.  SURAI P.F., KARADAS F. and SPARKS N.H.C. (2003). Antioxidants and oxidation in animal production: role of selenium and vitamins. In: New

Aspects in Vitamin Nutrition.  Ed. By. Babinszky, L., Kaposvar, Hungary, pp.19-36

11. DVORSKA J.E., SURAI P.F. and SPARKS N.H.C. (2004). The effect on quail of feed contaminated with the mycotoxin aurofusarin. In: Poisonous

Plants and Related Toxins. Ed. Acamovic T., Stewart C.S. and Pennycott T.W.) CABI Publising, UK, pp. 443-447.

12.  DVORSKA J.E. and SURAI P.F. (2004). Stimulating effect of aflatoxin B1 on lipid peroxidation in the in vitro model systems. In: Poisonous Plants

and Related Toxins. Ed. Acamovic T., Stewart C.S. and Pennycott T.W.) CABI Publising, UK, pp. 108-113.

13.  SURAI P.F., DVORSKA J.E. and SPARKS N.H.C. (2004). Natural Antioxidants and Mycotoxins: Theoretical Considerations and Practical

Applications. In: Poisonous Plants and Related Toxins. Ed. Acamovic T., Stewart C.S. and Pennycott T.W.) CABI Publising, UK, pp. 494-503.

14. MULLER W., EISING C.M., BLOUNT J., SURAI P., APANIUS V., DIJKSTRA C. and GROOTHUIS T.G.G. (2004). Multiple pathways of maternal

effect in black-headed gull eggs: Constraint and mutual adjustment. In: Maternal Phenotypic Engineering. Adaptation and Constraint in Prenatal

Maternal Effects (ed. By Wendt Muller). University of Groningen, pp.72-85        

15. SURAI P.F. and DVORSKA J.E. (2005). Effects of mycotoxins on antioxidant status and immunity. In: The Mycotoxins Blue Book, Ed. By Duarte

Diaz. Press, pp. 93-137

16.  SPEAKE B.K. and SURAI P.F. (2005). Omega-3 and Omega–6 Fatty Acids. In:  Encyclopedia of Animal Science. Ed. By Wilson J. Pond and Alan

W. Bell. Marcel Dekker Inc. pp.681- 683.

17. SURAI P.F. (2005). Minerals and antioxidants. In: Redefining Mineral Nutrition (Edited by LA Tucker and JA Taylor-Pickard) Nottingham University

Press, Nottingham, pp. 147-177

18.  SURAI, P.F. (2006). The move toward seleno-eggs: making nature’s perfect food even better. Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food

Industries (T.P. Lyons, K.A. Jacques and J.M. Hower, eds.). Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK, pp.181-188.

19. DVORSKA J.E., YAROSHENKO F.O., KARADAS F. and SURAI P.F. (2006). Selenium-enriched Eggs: A route toward improving human selenium

status. In: The Amazing Egg: Nature’s Perfect Functional Food for Health (Ed. by Sim J.) pp. 111-138

20.  SURAI P.F., SIMONS P., DVORSKA J.E., KARADAS F. and SPARKS N.H.C (2006). Antioxidant-enriched eggs: Opportunities and limitations. In:

The Amazing Egg: Nature’s Perfect Functional Food for Health (Ed. by Sim J.) pp. 67- 93.

21. SURAI, P.F. (2006). Antioxidant considerations for companion animals with special reference to immunity. In: Recent Advances in Companion

Animal Nutrition, Ed. By D.K. Laue and L.A. Tucker. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK, pp.91-115.

22.  SURAI, P.F., PAPAZYAN, T.T., SPEAKE, B.K. AND SPARKS, N.H.C. (2007). Enrichment in Selenium and Other Trace Elements. In:  Bioactive

Egg Compounds. Ed. By Huopalahti r., Lopez-Fandino R., Anton M. and Schade R., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 183-190.

23. PAPAZYAN, T.T. AND SURAI, P.F. (2007). EU clearance of Sel-Plex: expanding the possibilities for new nutraceutical foods. Nutritional Biotechnology

in the Feed and Food Industries (T.P. Lyons, K.A. Jacques and J.M. Hower, eds.). Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK, pp.193-201.

24.  SURAI P.F., PAPAZYAN T.T. AND SPEAKE B.K. (2007).  What can wild birds tell us about selenium requirements of farm species? Nutritional

Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries (T.P. Lyons, K.A. Jacques and J.M. Hower, eds.). Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK,

pp. 429-434.

25. SURAI, P.F. AND SPEAKE, B.K. (2008). The natural fatty acid composition of eggs of wild birds and the consequences of domestication. In: Fabien

DeMeester and Ronald Ross Watson, Eds. Wild-Type Food in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. The Columbus Concept. Humana

Press, Totowa, New Jersey, pp. 121- 137

26.  SURAI, P.F., PAPAZYAN, T.T., SPARKS, N.H.C. AND SPEAKE, B.K. (2008). Simultaneous enrichment of eggs with PUFAs and antioxidants. In:

Fabien DeMeester and Ronald Ross Watson, Eds. Wild-Type Food in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. The Columbus Concept.

Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey, pp. 139-153.

27.  SURAI, P.F., BENADE, A.J.S. AND SPEAKE, B.K. (2008). Natural Atioxidants in Land- and Marine-Based Wild-Type Food. Risk Reduction. In:

In: Fabien DeMeester and Ronald Ross Watson, Eds. Wild-Type Food in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. The Columbus Concept.

Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey, pp. 357- 375.

28. SURAI, P.F., FISININ, V.I. AND PAPAZYAN, T.T. (2008). Selenium deficiency in Europe: causes and consequences. In: Surai, P.F. and Taylor-Pickard,

J.A., Eds. Current Advances in Se Research and Applications, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Vol.1, pp.13-44.

29.  MELNICHUK, S.D. AND SURAI, P.F. (2008). Selenium status in Ukraine: food for thoughts. In: Surai, P.F. and Taylor-Pickard, J.A., Eds. Current

Advances in Se Research and Applications, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Vol.1, pp.57-76.

30.  PAPAZYAN, T.T., FISININ, V.I. AND SURAI, P.F. (2008). Se-enriched eggs: from niche market to main stream. In: Surai, P.F. and Taylor-Pickard, J.

Eds. Current Advances in Se Research and Applications, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Vol.1, pp.77-93.

31. FISININ, V.I., PAPAZYAN, T.T. AND SURAI, P.F. (2008). Selenium in poultry nutrition. In: Surai, P.F. and Taylor-Pickard, J. Eds. Current Advances

in Se Research and Applications, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Vol.1, pp.221-261.

32.  CLOSE, W.H., SURAI, P.F. AND TAYLOR-PICKARD, J.A. (2008). Selenium in Pig nutrition. In: Surai, P.F. and Taylor-Pickard, J.A., Eds. Current

Advances in Se Research and Applications, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Vol.1, pp.263-313.

33. SURAI, P.F., PAPPAS A.C., KARADAS F., PAPAZYAN T.T. AND FISININ V.I. (2010).  Selenium enigma: health implications of an inadequate supply.

In: Fabien De Meester, Sheerna Zibadi and Donald Ross Watson, Eds. Modern Dietary Fat Intakes in Disease Promotion, Humana Press,

pp. 379 - 403.

34. SURAI, P.F. AND FISININ V.I. (2010).  Ill health effects of food lipids: Consequences of inadequate food processing, storage and cooking In: Fabien

De Meester, Sheerna Zibadi and Donald Ross Watson, Eds. Modern Dietary Fat Intakes in Disease Promotion, Humana Press, pp.  251-274.

35.  SURAI, P.F.., MEZES, M., FOTINA T.I. AND DENEV S.D. (2010). Mycotoxins in human diet: a hidden danger. In: Fabien De Meester, Sheerna Zibadi

and Donald Ross Watson, Eds. Modern Dietary Fat Intakes in Disease Promotion, Humana Press, pp. 275-303.

36. PAPPAS A.C., ZOIDIS E., FEGEROS K., SURAI, P.F. and ZERVAS, G. (2010) Relation of Cadmium to Other Elements and the Antioxidant System,

In: Reini G. Parvau, Ed. Cadmium in the Environment, Nova Science Publishers, pp. 263-296.

37. SPEAKE B.K., SURAI PF. (2011). Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. In:  Encyclopaedia of Animal Science, Second Edition. Taylor and Francis: New York,

pp. 837-839.

38. SPEAKE B.K., SURAI P.F. (2012). Dietary fatty acids and male fertility in poultry. In: Gita Cherian and Reza Poureslami, Eds. Fats and Fatty Acids

in Poultry Nutrition and health, Context Products Ltd. pp. 191-248.

39.  SPEAKE B.K., SURAI P.F., WOOD N.A.R. (2012). Fatty acids of eggs of wild and domesticated birds and their roles in embryonic development.

In: Eds. Gita Cherian and Reza Poureslami, Context Products Ltd. Pp. 139-168

40.  SURAI, P.F. and FISININ, V.I. (2015). Natural multi-nutrient enriched eggs: Production and role in health. In: Eggs in Promotion of Health. Edited

by: Ronald Ross Watson and Fabien De Meester, Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 135-151.

41. SURAI, P.F. and FISININ, V.I. (2016). Antioxidant System regulation: From Vitamins to Vitagenes. In: Handbook of Cholesterol. edited by: Ronald

Ross Watson and Fabien De Meester, Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 451-481

42. SURAI, P.F. and FISININ, V.I. (2016). Selenium in livestock and other domestic animals. In: Selenium - Its Molecular Biology and Role in Human

Health, 4th Edition, edited by Dolph L. Hatfield, Ulrich Schweizer, Petra Tsuji, Vadim Gladyshev, Springer, Switzerland pp. 595-606.

43. SURAI P.F. and KOCHISH I.I. (2017). Antioxidant systems and vitagenes in poultry biology: Heat Shock Proteins. In: Heat Shock Proteins in

Veterinary. Edited by Alexzander A. A. Asea and Dr. Punit Kaur, Springer, Switzerland, pp. 123-177.

44.  PAPPAS, A.C., GODIEWSKA, K. and SURAI P.F. (2018). Dietary food and feed supplements with trace elements. In: Recent Advances in Trace

Elements, First Addition. Edited by Katarzyna Chojnacka and Agnieszka Saeid, John Willey & Sons Ltd., pp. 421-441.


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